Friday 26 July 2013




Bill gates was born on 28 October 1955 in Seattle,Washington at the age of 13 he began to show an interest in computer  programming at the Lakeside school. Bill Gates was from an upper middle-class family he has two sister elder sister is Kiristianne and younger sister is Libby. his father was William H.gates who was a
prominent lawyer and his mother was Mary Maxwell Gates, Bill gates grand father was the president of the bank. Gates do not have proper study plan after completing his school life life when he was admitted to Harvard he spent lot of his time in using the college computer.


there are many awards which were won by the Bill gates. 
  1. Order of the Aztec Eagle.
  2. Silver buffalo Award.
  3. Satellite Special Achievement Award for outstanding contribution to entertainment news media.


the first retailed version of Microsoft Windows was launched on 20 November 1985, and in august two companies struck a deal with IBM to develop a separate operating system called OS/2.


Bill Gates appeared in many adds to promote Microsoft in the year 2008. Microsoft have launched is many version like Windows XP and other are Vista Microsoft windows 7. Now a days a  new version of Microsoft have came which is Windows 8 and now a days windows cell phone s are also available in market so people can easily do his office or work in their cellphones.  


there are 2 books which are written by bill gates.

  • The Road Ahead
  • Business @ The Speed Of Though: Using a Digital Nervous System.


Bill Gates married to Melinda French on 1st January 1994. They have three children who are Jennifer Katharine who was born in 1996 another daughter is Phoebe Adele who was born in
2002 and he have one son also who is Rory John who was born in  1999. The family of Gates resides in the gates home locating near lake Washington in Medina. The annual property tax of Gates house is $991,000.


There are many codes quoted by Bill Gates. some are as follows,

  1. Success is a lousy teacher.It seduces smart people into thinking they cant loose.
  2. It is fine to celebrate the success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.
  3.  Be nice to nerds. Chances are you will end up working for one.
  4. If you cannot make it good at least make it look good.
  5. If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.
  6. Technology is just a tool.In terms of getting a kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.
  7. Life is not fair; get used of it.
  8. I am great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in term of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve kind of freedoms that they are interested in.
  9. your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
  10. As we look ahead in the next century, leaders will be those who empowers other.


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